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Grado en Bachelor of Business Administration

Carrera universitaria en Munich (Alemania)

EU Business School

más de 9000 €

Objetivos: Develop interdisciplinary knowledge of all functional areas of business and their conceptual frameworks by taking a wide range of courses across multiple disciplines. Obtain a practical working background that prepares the graduate for immediate entry into a management position.

Requisitos: Students must be in the final year of completing or have already completed their high school (or equivalent) diploma. Students must also have an advanced level of English. If students do not meet these requirements, EU offers two preparatory foundation programs to assist students in reaching the level necessary to attend our programs. To further help students improve their academic standing, we offer the Business Bridging Program and for students who need to improve their English fluency, we offer the English Foundation Program.

Información adicional

Duración: 3 años

Temario completo de este curso


  • Foundations of Business Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Writing Communication Skills
  • Accounting I
  • Microeconomics
  • Elementary Calculus
  • IT Software for Business
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Seminars / Industrial Visits

  • Ethics in Business
  • Oral Communication Skills
  • Accounting II
  • Macroeconomics
  • Business Law
  • Mathematics of Finance
  • Applied Management Statistics
  • Advertising, Media & Branding
  • Seminars / Industrial Visits

  • Strategic Marketing
  • Business Finance I
  • Human Resources Management
  • Production Management
  • Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation
  • Management Information Systems
  • E-Business
  • Cross-Cultural Business Issues
  • Knowledge Management
  • Seminars / Industrial Visits

  • Global Economics
  • Business Finance II
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Financial Markets
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Sales & Purchasing Management
  • Marketing Research
  • Project Management
  • Service Management
  • Seminar/Industrial Visits/Dissertation Seminar

  • Global Business
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Negotiation
  • Small Business Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Industrial Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Decision Analysis
  • Change Management Today
  • Seminar/Industrial Visits/Dissertation Seminar

  • Strategic Management
  • Budgeting & Control
  • Organizational Communication
  • Cases in Marketing
  • Cases in Finance
  • Leadership & Team Building
  • Total Quality Management
  • Retail Management & Merchandising
  • Portfolio Management
  • Dissertation Seminar

ver temario completo

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