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  •  London Business Training & Consulting London Business Training & Consulting
    PRECIO: Consultar precio
    CURSO:Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand:Functions and objectives of central banks.Features of an effective central bank.Fiscal challenges for central banks.The structure of the Federal Reserve System.The effectives of t...


Curso de Central Banks, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability

Curso en London (Reino Unido)

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand: Functions and objectives of central banks. Features of an effective central bank. Fiscal challenges for central banks. The structure of the Federal Reserve System. The effectives of the Federal Reserve System. The structure of the Eurosystem. The euro-area crisis and the European Central Bank (ECB). The central bank’s balance sheet. Changing the size and mix of the balance sheet. The deposit expansion multiplier. The monetary base and the money supply. Federal Reserve and ECB conventional policy tools. Simple guides for policy setting. Unconventional policy tools. Links between exchange rates and monetary policy. The mechanics of exchange-rate management. Costs, benefits, and risks of fixed exchange rates. Fixed exchange-rate regimes.

A quién va dirigido: Central bank staff; those who wish to survey what central banks do and how they do it; those who wish to understand the role and objectives of central banks; those who wish to be equipped with the knowledge that will be required to cope with the inevitable changes that will occur in central bank structure.

Información adicional

Duración: 1 semanas

Temario completo de este curso

Central Banks in the World Today

  • The basics: how central banks originated and their role today
  • Stability: the primary objective of all central banks
  • Meeting the challenge: creating a successful central bank
  • Fitting everything together: central banks and fiscal policy
The Structure of Central Banks
  • The structure of the Federal Reserve System
  • Assessing the Federal Reserve System’s structure
  • The European Central Bank
The Central Bank Balance Sheet and the Money Supply Process
  • The central bank’s balance sheet
  • Changing the size and composition of the balance sheet
  • The deposit expansion multiplier
  • The monetary base and the money supply
Monetary Policy: Stabilising the Domestic Economy
  • The Federal Reserve’s conventional policy toolbox
  • Operational policy at the European Central Bank
  • Linking tools to objectives: making choices
  • A guide to central bank interest rates: the Taylor rule
  • Unconventional policy tools
Exchange-Rate Policy and the Central Bank
  • Linking exchange-rate policy with domestic monetary policy
  • Mechanics of exchange- rate management
  • The costs, benefits, and risks of fixed exchange rates
  • Fixed exchange-rate regimes

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