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En estos momentos el centro Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso

Curso en Madrid (Madrid)

This is a 20 hour dynamic and practical course that will provide the student with the chance to practice five key areas of communication in English that are essential in today´s business world. By the end of the course the student will have acquired a very useful set of skills to carry out their work effectively and with confidence.

Objetivos: This is a 20 hour dynamic and practical course that will provide the student with the chance to practice five key areas of communication in English that are essential in today´s business world. By the end of the course the student will have acquired a very useful set of skills to carry out their work effectively and with confidence.

A quién va dirigido: Aimed at professionals of any sector who have to work in English or in an English speaking environment that requires them to write business emails/letters, attend meetings and conference calls, make business presentations and negotiate in English.

Información adicional

Duración: 4 días

Temario completo de este curso

- Writing emails / business letters - Learn and practice the key expressions to help you convey a more professional image.
- Analysing different styles of writing and using the appropriate language suitable for different occasions.
- Meetings - To differntiate between process and content.
- Learn the language of facilitating / chairing meetings.
- Learn key expressions and phrases for effective meetings.
- Learn tools to conduct an effective meeting.
- The language of conference calls - expressions to help you participate and conduct an effective conference call.
- Presentations - Differentiate between the process and content.
- Devising an effective presentation through effective use of process.
- Learning key expressions/phrases to make you a more effective presenter.
- Handling the Q&A session.
- Negotiating: Learn key expressions and phrases to use in the different stages of a negotiation from the start to the close.
- Convey a more profesional message in your next negotiation.
- Awareness of cultural differences / styles in different countries.

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