Objetivos: En este curso potenciaremos tu actitud de liderazgo, así como las diferentes formas que existen de este concepto. A través de este liderazgo, trabajaremos la toma de decisiones, y el manejo de actitudes positivas dentro de una organización o...
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Objetivos: The objective is to provide students and professionals from varied backgrounds a strong baseline understanding of foresight and how it ties to strategy, innovation, and creation. This is done not only by teaching essential data collection and modelling, but narrative development, strategic framing, prototyping and communication.
A quién va dirigido: As a transdisciplinary topic, this course is designed for students and professionals from different fields with wide interests, backgrounds and future paths. Because it blends the strategic business view with the insights and aesthetics of design and product development, it should be of interest to those interested in innovation or creation of new products, services and concepts. It is designed for those who like to mix rigorous thinking with creativity.
Duración y frecuencia
Del 20 de julio 2015 al 30 de julio de 2015
Frecuencia: 2 semanas - 5 tardes por semana
Horario: del 20 al 29 de julio de 16.15 a 22.15h // El 30de julio de 10-15h
Duración: 2 semanas
This course begins by asking the fundamental question: “Why think about the future?” It will explore this through an overview of essential futuring skills—horizon scanning and trends identification and analysis—looking at weak signals, micro- and macro-trends—and how to use these to think about implications and unexpected outcomes. This will include observational analysis, searching Barcelona for indicators about the future, studying behaviors, messages and signs that point to emergent change.
We will visit scenario development, roadmapping, timelines and backcasting, and creative ideation to develop new future narratives as a way of writing stories about the future we can use strategically. We will also have Skype talks from futurists, innovators and designers who employ these techniques in their own work.
From this basis, we will look at innovation practices and processes—traditional top-down, bottomup and open innovation—and how these are being used in both major companies and cutting edge startups. By learning how to tie foresight to innovation, we will look at future-proofing new design and product development.
Lastly, we will look at prototyping using the futures we have created and build toward a final project that presents solutions to the wicked problems we’ve uncovered—creating for the next decade.
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Are you starting your career in hospitality or want to advance your career within the industry? Undertake the Message Handling Course offered by Reception Academy and learn how to take a message ...
Objetivos: En este máster se trabajarán las determinantes del marketing con todos los condicionantes que influyen en las estrategias de marketing, sabrás identificar las variables de segmentación y ...
Objetivos: This program has three specific objectives. First, that its students develop market knowledge, marketing skills and a positive attitude, all of which help them contribute to the marketing ...
Objetivos: El objetivo de esta formación es formar a futuros profesionales capaces de adquirir una visión global sobre los mercados para poder diseñar estrategias en los departamentos de marketing y ...
Especialízate en marketing y ventas con este postgrado ofrecido e impartido por EAE Distancia / Semipresencial y publicado en el catálogo formativo de Lectiva.com.
Objetivos: La formación tiene como objetivo formar a futuros profesionales capaces de liderar los departamentos comerciales de marketing y que puedan diseñar estrategias y campañas de manera ...
Requisitos: Formación sin requisitos previos.
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Objetivos: El objetivo de este curso es formar directores profesionales de marketing y ventas. Para ello propone un temario a través del cual adquirirás nociones de marketing estratégico, y te ...