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Master in foreign trade & international marketing

En estos momentos el centro INSA no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso

Máster en Barcelona (Barcelona)


5.100 €

Información adicional

Prácticas en empresa: Posibilidad de Prácticas.
Alumnos por clase: 15

Sede Institucional
Modernas Instalaciones
La Sede Institucional de INSA está ubicada en el barrio de Sarrià, zona educativa de Barcelona. Las instalaciones cuentan con más de 3000 metros cuadrados distribuyendo las dependencias por un amplio jardín que proporciona al alumno un ambiente agradable de trabajo. INSA cuenta con aulas para la docencia, aula de informática, biblioteca, Aula Magna, aulas polivalentes, salas para reuniones y seminarios.
Duración: 1 años

Temario completo de este curso

· International marketing and exporting

  • Influence of distance and time. The nature of international marketing. Export marketing planning and strategy: The export sales plan. Potential benefits from export marketing. International trade theories. Export behaviour theories. Export motives. The development of export in the firm: Export selling techniques, Tables of countries, statistics, codes and currencies.

· International Trade: Better importing

  • The import sales plan. Product sourcing and evaluation suppliers. Timing of deliveries. Import licensing.

· The international environment

  • Economic forces. Socio-cultural environment. Political/legal environment. Competition.

· Export market selection: definition and strategies

  • Market definition and segmentation. Export market expansion strategies. Sources of information. Export marketing research. Customs code, EU goods circulation and transit

· Export market entry strategies

  • Entry as strategy. Factors influencing. Selecting the entry mode: joint-venture, franchising, licensing. Using free trade areas. International contracts: distribution, technology transference.

· Export entry modes

  • Indirect export. Direct export. Market exporting.

· Nonexport entry modes

  • Alternative modes of entry. Manufacturing facilities. Assembly operations. Strategic alliances.

· The export order and physical distribution

  • Handing the export order. Physical distribution: logistics. Structure of international physical distribution. Incoterms. Guarantee and Security. Customs relief's: export and import documentation.

· International Transport

  • Transit packaging, marking and labeling. Maritime transport. Aerial transport. Transport by truck. Transport by train.

· International financing and methods of payment

  • Export financing methods/terms of payment. Payment/financing procedures: cash in advance open account, bills of exchange. Export credit insurance: letter of credit. Counter trade. Services contracts: factoring, forfaiting, leasing. VAT and exports.

· Strategic Options of the Company in the International Markets

  • Positioning. New Markets. Global Markets. M.I.S. (Marketing Information System). Market Segmentation and Target Markets. Consumer Markets and Buyer Behaviour. Business Markets and Business Buying Behaviour. Dealing with the Competition

· The Market Research at an International Level

  • Marketing Research. Market Intelligence: Information is Power.

· The International Policity of the Product

  • The International Policy of the Product. Product Lines and Brands. The Marketing of Services.

· Pricing Policity

  • Pricing Policy. Pricing decisions. Pricing Strategies.

· Global Sourcing

  • The distribution in the International Sales. Distribution: Marketing Channel. Retailing, Wholesaling and Market Logistics.

· The Direction Of International Sales

  • The direction of International Sales. The Sales Force.

· International Communication

  • The International Advertising. The International Promotion. Promotion and Marketing Communication. Integrated Marketing Communications. Advertising. Direct and On-line Marketing

· International Marketing Planning

  • International Marketing Planning. Strategic Marketing Planning.

· Organization, Coordination and Control of International Marketing

  • The Organization and control of the International Marketing. Marketing Audit: Organization, Coordination and Control.

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