Objetivos: Objectives: Enable Design, Marketing, Engineering and Business Management professionals to overcome disciplinary boundaries in order to grow into key drivers of organizational success. Develop into leaders capable of combining creativity, managerial skills and entrepreneurial mindsets within the constraints of Business realities. Assist Designers and non-Designers in understanding how design management can contribute to the creation of sustainable value within the Business environment. Help Designers become Design Managers, Design Managers become Design Leaders and Design Leaders become innovation leaders of the future. Provide students with Design and Business Management tools that will enable them to become powerful key contributors in the Value Creation Chain, within the corporate environment or as independent professionals. Develop proficiency in using the tools provided. Students will be able to identify appropriate use of these tools to balance academic and practical knowledge, efficiency in communication and ability to evaluate necessary trade-offs when faced with real business challenges. Expand the student’s roles and capabilities in working with innovation teams. Encourage critical thinking to allow students to be active citizens of our global society
A quién va dirigido: The master recognizes and welcomes students from a range of backgrounds in design, management and theoretical fields. Designers of all disciplines (Graphic Design, Product Design and Interior Design), architects, professionals from Business and Management areas, Marketing and Communication are welcome to join the program.
Duración: 11 meses
At IED Barcelona Design Management is taught by a faculty body of practitioners from Design & Business, through the immersion and practice of different innovation and strategic methodologies, analysis of case studies and the execution of a real-industry project commissioned either by multinational companies competing in the global economy, or local companies competing in the international markets. This approach facilitates the training in decision making, placing the students in a real context for innovation and experimentation.
The Design Management Master students are hosted in a dedicated classroom, a space that it’s transformed in an innovation design studio where students experiment with new tools and knowledge, with the guidance of the faculty. Small groups of students in the class facilitate the application of this hand-on methodology.
The students are taught a very diverse set of tools, to train their skills to a level where they can communicate well and loose the fear to discuss at sketch level or through a video.
With the aim of creating synergies between futures professionals, some transversal activities are held for exchanging knowledge with students of different programs.
Personal Research Project
The Personal Research Project is the single most important piece of written work that students undertake during their RSP Research Study Program. PRP is the culmination Master and should demonstrate that the student has acquired skills, knowledge and analytical capabilities.
The project is an original piece of research involving primary data collection which aim is to undertake an individual work that meets the requirements outlined in these guidelines in order to achieve a passing grade.
Field Trips
To give students a wider understanding of market state-of-the-art, 2 field trips are scheduled in the course curriculum. With the guidance of professors and coordination, students explore different markets and professional contexts in Europe.
Each Field Trip will take students for several days to European cities to exchange knowledge in different environments. After those days devoted to academic activities, students have the opportunity to discover the city.
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Especialízate en marketing y ventas con este postgrado ofrecido e impartido por EAE Distancia / Semipresencial y publicado en el catálogo formativo de Lectiva.com.
Objetivos: La formación tiene como objetivo formar a futuros profesionales capaces de liderar los departamentos comerciales de marketing y que puedan diseñar estrategias y campañas de manera ...
Requisitos: Formación sin requisitos previos.
Objetivos: - Proporcionar los conocimientos básicos relacionados con el concepto de calidad así como de la Implantación de un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad según la Norma Internacional UNE-EN-ISO ...
Objetivos: El objetivo de este curso es formar directores profesionales de marketing y ventas. Para ello propone un temario a través del cual adquirirás nociones de marketing estratégico, y te ...
Objetivos: - Explicar el proceso comunicativo así como los componentes que intervienen en él.- Conocer cómo es tratada la información y enviada dentro y fuera de la empresa gracias a la comunicación ...
Objetivos: - Planificar iniciativas y actividades empresariales en pequeños negocios o microempresas.- Dirigir y controlar la actividad empresarial diaria y los recursos de pequeños negocios o ...