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Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)

Máster en Madrid (Madrid)

Objetivos: The objective of the program is to train experts with thorough knowledge in both the Power Systems and Telecommunications dimensions of Smart Grids. Academic excellence, together with internships in real-life projects taking place in a leading company such as Iberdrola, make it possible to acquire new skills, which are in demand in the energy industry. This type of professional profile is already in high demand in the energy industry all around the world.

Información adicional

Duración: 1 años

Temario completo de este curso

1st Period (September to December) - Madrid 30 ECTS

  • Fundamentals of Power Systems or Fundamentals of Telecommunications
  • Regulation and New Business Models
  • Operation and Planning of Future Distribution Networks
  • Telecommunications for Smart Grids
  • Leadership, Change Management and Corporate Responsibility

2nd Period (January to mid May) - Strathclyde 30 ECTS
  • Data Analytics form Smart Grids
  • Control and Protection of Future Networks
  • Offshore and Pan European Supergrids
  • Hardware IoT Communications System Design
  • Power Electronics for Transmission and Distribution Networks
  • 5G Communications Networks
  • 3rd Period (mid May to early September) – Iberdrola
  • Internships + Master Thesis
  • For the duration of the internship (mid-May to early September), students will be assigned to one of Iberdrola’s international branch offices to carry out their internship. During this period of internship, Iberdrola will provide the students with a salary that may differ according to the destination.

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