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Postgrado en Postgraduate Degree in Interior Space Design. Private Perimeters

Postgrado en Barcelona (Barcelona)

The Postgraduate Diploma in Interior Design, Private Perimeters has a history dating back over more than 10 years. Over 650 students from around the world had participated up to date. All of them support a program whose main objective is the promotion of creativity and innovation in the design, combined with a reflective and critical attitude by the student, offering professional preparation and an introduction to research. The Postgraduate programme supports and promotes the impulse of a "divergent thinking", which means the ability to respond in different ways to the same question. Through theoretical reflections the students gain new knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of current settings. They apply this acquired knowledge in the project that they will develop during the program. This interior design project is the core programme of the course while other assignments explore and open-up themes relevant to other professional field. The project is based on the design of a private domestic space in a specific context, taking into account all the elements necessary for its development, the level of living conditions, lighting, furniture, materials and finishes, sustainable aspects, the construction and production processes as well as visualization and communication of the project.

Información adicional

Duración: 5 meses

Temario completo de este curso

  • Interior design criteria

    Theoretical approach concerned with critical reflection upon professional practise and creative processes of interior design
    Methodologies and introduction to research
    Design process: explore and analyze client/user requirements and brief, project development, budgeting, project management and project communication.
    Theoretical reflections: houses today, spatial criteria, colour, etc.

    Views (of people with experience involved in or close to the process of interior design)
    Builder’s view.
    Client’s view
    Photographer’s view.
    Editor’s view.

    Renowned interior designers, architects, designers and other professionals involved in interior design present their own work

    Field Trips
    Visit to exemplary built architecture and interior design examples that show the high value of the design process and an excellent result of a domestic interior design.
  • Tools

    Furniture and buidling materials for interior design
    Selection criteria for materials and their application systems.
    Knowledge of technical, practical and aesthetic functions of materials and products.

    Field trip to Materfad the materioteca of the FAD (Fostering Arts and Design) to learn about innovative materials and production.
    Sustainable materials, products and systems for the health and air quality in an interior space.

    Installations and comfort in a domestic interior. general implementation of installations
    Implementation of installations in the domestic interior design project.
    Plumbing and sewer system.
    Electrical installation and Lighting
    Ventilation and gas.
    Heating and air conditioning.
    Home automation and telecommunications.
    Energy efficient installations

  • The design of an interior space

    The several workshops promote a conceptual and experimental approach to design through a hands-on learning method. It usually begins with a presentation to provide the theoretical foundation that aims to deepen the comprehension of a specific subject
    During the workshop, students will develop an intense quick draft resolution or a physical object
    Kitchen design
    Furniture design
    Experimental space

    Main project of the course
    The project is based on the development of an interior design of a private domestic space. Special attention is given to the selection of a built environment that would allow a maximum degree of approximation to a real case.
    A free-thinking attitude is expectedly paired with a courageous decision-making in order to generate powerful and innovative ideas where empathy and emotions are reflected in the results.

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