Objetivos: Este máster está dividido en dos cursos y comprende una metodología docente teórico-práctica. Durante este itinerario formativo abordarás las diferentes áreas de conocimiento de la psicología y de la medicina que te permitan evaluar, diagnos...
En estos momentos el curso no está disponibleTe ofrecemos otros cursos relacionados con tu búsqueda: Másters de Salud > Másters de Medicina especializada.
Objetivos: To achieve this, the course will: Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce effective clinical and research materials in the field of dentistry. Promote the acquisition of skills, attitudes and behaviours that facilitate scientific interaction with the environment to adequately solve research problems. Promote research in dentistry and continuing education for the study of new techniques and improvements in the dental profession. Provide the necessary tools to work together and coordinate multidisciplinary projects.Other complementary objectives: To train students to be experts in scientific method, capable of planning, executing and interpreting the results of research projects, taking into account economic, regulatory, legal, ethical and humanitarian aspects. To train students to be experts in the molecular basis of diagnosis and the treatment of the most common diseases in the field of dentistry. To enable students to develop a solid foundation in the use of methodological and instrumental research techniques, facilitating contributions to research in both public and private laboratories. To give the option of complementing clinical training with a solid background in research.
Requisitos: Degree in dentistry, medicine, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy, chemistry, biochemistry or veterinary science or any other discipline in the field of Health Sciences. A level of English equivalent to B2. A vocation for science and research. Quick decision-making skills. Discipline, good memory and work ethic. Sense of responsibility and integrity. Sensitivity and empathy with other people's pain. Observant. Ability to work as a team.
UIC Barcelona believes that clinical practice on patients is crucial for training high-level professionals.
The University Dental Clinic is located on university grounds and has:
− 88 booths equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology: • 80 general booths. • 2 booths for special patient care. • 6 surgical booths.
− 5 laboratories
− 3 radiology and 3D units for complementary tests with planning programs for both implantology and prosthetics, which give students hands-on experience with the latest technologies.
− Units equipped for live broadcasting of surgical interventions.
− 2 diagnostic imaging rooms for taking panoramic dental X-rays and latero-lateral and posterior-anterior teleradiographies, periapical radiographs and CBCT scans.
− Treatment planning room.
− Smart storage room for delivery and collection of material.
− Sterilisation unit for medical materials and instruments.
− Administrative control software for patients and students. UIC Barcelona has signed several RDI agreements with manufacturers to strengthen ties between the University and industry.
Duración: 1 años
Module 1: Evidence-based methodology
Module 2: Research tools in dentistry
Module 3: Final Master's Degree Project
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El curso de Técnico Superior en Audiología protésica, recoge todos los temas que este profesional técnico necesita conocer.
Requisitos: Puedes acceder a un ciclo de grado superior cuando reúnas alguno de los siguientes requisitos: Bachiller o Segundo de Bachillerato experimental. Título de Técnico Superior o Técnico ...
Requisitos: Puedes acceder a un ciclo de grado superior cuando reúnas alguno de los siguientes requisitos: Bachiller o Segundo de Bachillerato experimental. Título de Técnico Superior o Técnico ...
Requisitos: Puedes acceder a un ciclo de grado superior cuando reúnas alguno de los siguientes requisitos - Estar en posesión del Título de Bachiller o Segundo de Bachilleato de cualquier ...
Requisitos: Ser licenciado o diplomado en la rama sanitaria.
Objetivos: - Conocer los aspectos básicos de la rehabilitación deportiva. - Conocer cuáles son las lesiones deportivas más comunes y cuáles son los procesos y los tiempos de rehabilitación, ...
Objetivos: -Estudiar las características de una clínica dental y del equipo que la integra.-Conocer las funciones específicas de un auxiliar de clínica dental en el seno de un equipo ...
Módulo 1. Organización y gestión de una unidad de odontología. Módulo 2. Técnicas de atención al paciente. Módulo 3. ...