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Postgrado en Postgraduate Degree in Interior Space Design. Work Spaces

Postgrado en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Objetivos: The programme of the Postgraduate Diploma in Design of Work Space trains students to face with solvency the challenges of the professional world and prepare them to be capable of solving the requirements asked by the promoter and to be propositive having in mind the identity of the people involved. To delve into the specific production features of the different modalities in design in relation to the space that has to be designed. To know the requirements of the corporations and, specially, of the workers regarding digitalization and new work habits. To assimilate the social and cultural emerging values that can be found at the base of the implementation criteria through those disciplines implied: sociology, ergonomics, sustainability, technology, prevention, and its influence in the project process. To apply, in a creative way, the acquired knowledge corresponding to the notion of design. To evaluate the incidence of new technologies in conditioning the physic space. Students will get a specialization in design of interior space for a working environment. During this course, they have the opportunity to be trained in detailed aspects of interior projects, to delve into sustainable values –lights, colours, materials-, and to acquire a critical and innovative view about work space.

A quién va dirigido: Graduates in Design. Architects. Architectural technicians, building engineers. Graduates in Fine Arts. Professionals or academics with proven experience in the fields this course covers.

Información adicional

Duración: 5 meses

Temario completo de este curso

  • Perception of the interior space
Subject 1: Aspects related to the sensitive perception of the interiorLight as an asset in the conceptualisation of spaceNew textures, new meaningsAbout colourAtmospheres Subject 2: User-centred designHealthy interiors Inclusive design. Universal accessibility Biophilic design. Analogies and mimesis Active ergonomics
Subject 3: Construction and formElements and systems.Processes.
  • Spatial configurations in the work environment
Subject 1: Spatial organization strategiesHistorical evolution and recent geography of office buildingsArchitectural devices and work organization in relation to new behavioursOrganization of the space. Project operatorsSpatial configurations: Work stations; Common spaces; Informal meeting; FocusSubject 2: Basic criteria for planningComponents: circulation; teamwork; individual work; meetings; exchanges; etc.Zoning and occupancy ratios.Mechanization of the environment.Subject 3: Corporate interior design. Excite from the beginningCommunication and interior designDesign for the company —design for users
  • Project
Equipment for the workplaceSubject 1: Furniture equipmentChoice of contract furniture and personalization. Own furniture design.Subject 2: LightingChoice and integration of luminaires in the lighting project. Subject 3: Applied graphicsCorporate imageSignage Subject 4: Materials and constructive elements of the systemCoating materials. Cataloguing and homologation of productsProduction processes of partitions and accessoriesThe evaluation of this module will be integrated into the evaluation of the Final Project. The professors of this module will join the project tutorials as consultants.
  • Space conditioning techniques
Subject 5: Connected spacesVoice and data management; Internet of things; Virtual reality; Augmented reality.Subject 6: Mechanization of the environmentRegulation criteria for acoustic, light and thermal comfortSafety and prevention. Protection against fireMaintenance and replacement; operational services
  • Project development
Project to implement a workspace in a pre-existing location.The Final Project of the Postgraduate in Interior Space Design. Work Spaces diploma consists in solving the implantation of an interior space for corporate, collaborative or formative uses.
  • Other activities
Visits to buildings and corporate interiors and to companies producing specialized equipment for the workspace.Various conferences given by outstanding professionals in the national and international context of the industry.

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