Objetivos: The editorial project that is based on parameters established as a basis for the periodical publication of information and/or pre-established contents. The project that is structured having as a starting point the specificity of the content and is specifically built for this content. The digital environment. New formats, new supports, new needs in a world where access to information and contents is immediate.
Requisitos: Undergraduate Degree or higher degree in graphic design with a university qualification. Professional experience that can be recognized (in this case you will not receive the Master’s degree, but a Programme).
A quién va dirigido: Design Graduates. Fine Arts Graduates. Professionals or academics with proven experience.
Duración: 5 meses
1 Master's Projects
With the problem-solving dynamic, common in the professional field, students will develop three projects throughout the course to delve into the three fundamental areas of editorial design: books, periodicals and the digital publishing environment. In each project, students will work with a different partner to emphasize the importance of teamwork and the complementarity of talents.
1.1 Book design
1.2 Periodicals design
1.3 Digital publishing environment
1.4 Design Crit
2 Fundamentals
The goal of editorial design is to make posts attractive, visually interesting, and easy to read. A good editorial design is the one that is coherent and clear with its purpose. Whenever typography and art direction are used effectively, they can evoke different feelings, mastering these languages is key in editorial design.
2.1 Typography
2.2 Art direction
2.3 Art direction in photography
2.4 Art direction in illustration
3 Professional world
They provide students with a series of essential knowledge for the editorial designer and, at the same time, allow them to improve their three master projects from different points of view, either with the writing of the written content, the definition of a production aspect or the preparation of the final arts.
3.1 Process design and facilitation
3.2 Graphic arts
3.3 Creative writing
3.4 Creative production
3.5 Editing and spelling
4 Workshops
The workshops allow us to complement and deepen other competencies and disciplines of editorial design. We develop them as five-day meetings with recognized specialists and professionals. They are usually scheduled from Monday to Friday.
4.1 Experience
4.2 Data journalism
4.3 Photobook
4.4 Degree Show
5 Events
Listening is learning. Above all, when professionals, emerging or consolidated, share their life experience through their professional career. Inspiration should find you working, but also listening.
5.1 International conferences
5.2 Master’s Talks
ver temario completo
Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al ...
Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al ...
Objetivos: •Convertirte en un Diseñador Gráfico versátil.•Asimilar los fundamentos, elementos y aplicaciones del diseño gráfico en el campo del marketing, la comunicación y la publicidad online y ...
Objetivos: •Dominarás las nuevas funcionalidades de AutoCAD. Podrás, además, gestionar tus dibujos y proyectos desde tu smartphone o tablet.•Dominarás los comandos habituales para dibujar líneas, ...
Requisitos: Cumplir uno de los siguientes requisitos:- Ser mayor de 18 años, Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de titulación de Técnico Superior de Formación ...
Requisitos: Cumplir uno de los siguientes requisitos:- Ser mayor de 18 años, Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de titulación de Técnico Superior de Formación ...
Requisitos: - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional o ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de experiencia profesional ...
Objetivos: - Dominar los fundamentos de la comunicación y la publicidad, y aprender a manejar los programas clave actuales de diseño: Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop. Requisitos: Efectuar la ...
Objetivos: - Realizar películas flash destinadas a la web: banners, presentaciones animadas, películas interactivas, etc. - Adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para incluir elementos multimedia ...
Objetivos: - Conocer e identificar las diferentes fases y técnicas del proceso completo de preimpresión.- Conseguir conocimientos sobre las diferentes técnicas de redacción editorial y correcciones ...