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    PRECIO: 199 €

    Objetivos: Con este curso aprenderás distintas técnicas de costura, a utilizar correctamente las herramientas de costura. Conocerás además técnicas de planchado de productos textiles. Requisitos: No tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dirigido: A to...


Postgrado en Design for Wearables

Postgrado en Barcelona (Barcelona)

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

6.200 €

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We are moving towards an era of augmentation. Wearables, smart devices, and e-textiles are new solutions for future hybrid generations of interconnected humans and devices. This higher level of interaction is producing new paradigms, raising novel questions, impose different habits, shifting economies and politics. Through technology, we are on the verge of a new perception of our habitats, ecosystems, bodies, social behaviours and interactions. To define this future, it’s a Design Challenge. Wearable technology or fashionable tech refers to all smart devices that can be incorporated into clothes or worn as accessories, or implants on the body. These devices, such as trackers, electronics, software, sensors, are characterized by their ability to exchange data as part of a node system defined as the Internet of Things (IoT). The concept of the IoT refers to the identification and interconnection of all objects through the Internet. This communication protocol bridges digital and physical realm, enhancing novel solutions to emerge in a new mixed scenario. The growing popularity of mobile networks has been one of the most important factors in the development of wearable technology. Thanks to its technological improvement novel solutions from wearable tech are finding disruptive applications. Wearable sensors market impact will reach $2.258 billion by 2022, more than 52.9% from 2016 to 2022. If 50 million wearable devices were shipped in 2015, 125 million units are projected to be by 2019. Same for Smart clothing, moving from 3.3 Million in 2017 to 21.6% more in 2021. The impact of wearable technology is evident in education, entertainment, communication, navigation, fitness, and according to market trends will have even a larger impact in the healthcare sector, where could find the bigger potential in terms of applications.

Objetivos: The Postgraduate in Wearables Design focuses on future applications of Wearable Technologies, inviting students to predict new trends, drive novel solutions, reshaping the existing market towards more sustainable models. Our goal is to redefine contemporary devices towards a new generation of cognitive nodes, connecting us to our habitats and ecosystems. How an interconnected world will look like? Which are the new paradigms that cognified devices will produce? What will we sense in the future? Students enrolling in this program learn how to combine data-driven strategies, blurring computational design, electronic devices, rapid prototyping, AR/VR and advanced interaction into the definition of a new creative workflow. This program trains students to master technology, questioning contemporary challenges and projecting novel solutions driven by environmental, social and economic forces reshaping our Society.

Temario completo de este curso

QUESTIONING - RESEARCH STUDIO Transversal design studio to connect industries and designers multidisciplinary environment projects towards training the next generation of technology leaders.PROJECTING - MARKET STRATEGIES Envision emerging needs promoting new products informed by alternative applications of emerging technology. Drive novel solutions matching challenges from Industrial partners and predict new market trends from fixed products towards upgrading devices and services.DESIGNING - COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN I-II Learn advanced computational design skills to define a new language informed by data-driven decisions. Introduce parametric modelling and computational thinking to shape a programmable design language.MAKING - DIGITAL FABRICATION Learning new fabrication protocols, digitally manipulating materials, projecting protocols of production in the definition of a new digital craft paradigm.MAKING - MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY Producing novel materials, combining living organisms, mixing and programming matter, introducing alternative fabrication protocols and organic devices.CONNECTING - EMBEDDED ELECTRONICS Cognifying devices implementing novel intelligence and hyper connectivity, to communicate sensors and implement intelligence into objects, garments and bodies.CONNECTING - ADVANCED INTERACTION Build mixed realities, blurring digital and physical realms through VR and AR applications, digitizing spaces and magnifying information and interaction.

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