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Curso de Getting Things Done

Curso en Barcelona (Barcelona)


5.250 €

When a business strategy fails, shortcomings are often exposed, not necessarily in the strategy itself but in its execution. The ability to make your strategy work is critical for business leaders and it is the overriding factor in determining a company’s long-term success. Unlock the mysteries behind strategy implementation and discover the factors that are crucial to bringing about the successful execution of business objectives.

Objetivos: Lead successfully through strategy execution. Prepare your “taking-charge strategy” for your next assignment. Identify sources of power within your organization and use them to build influence. Map an organization’s political terrain to identify individuals critical for diffusing a strategy supportive culture. Enhance your performance by leveraging social networks.

Requisitos: he program has a four-step admission process: Participants must complete and submit the online application (New York or Barcelona). The Executive Education Department will contact the participant by email to acknowledge receipt of the application. It will also provide information about the program dates, sending of prior study materials and the bank details needed to pay tuition. The participant pays tuition (payment must be made before the start of the course and before prior study materials are sent). This is an essential prerequisite for participating in the program.

A quién va dirigido: The “Getting Things Done” program is designed for senior executives with extensive management experience, especially those responsible for driving strategic change initiatives within their organizations.

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Duración: 4 días

Temario completo de este curso

The “Getting Things Done” program is structured around the following topics:

  • Taking Charge and Leading Strategy Execution
  • Personal Characteristics That Build Influence
  • Power: Why Some People Have It While Others Don’t
  • Acting and Speaking With Power
  • Making It Work: Change Pro-Simulation
  • Visualizing Your Social Network
  • Executing Strategy in a Global Environment
  • Mastering Organizational Dynamics
  • Strategy Execution Tools
  • The Informal Organization
  • Overcoming Resistance and Obstacles
  • Wrap-Up and Conclusions

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