Objetivos: - Observe how sport in a daily routine affects social, cultural and personal dimensions. - Identify subcultures and subgroups developed around different sports such as track and field, soccer, cycling and gym, etc. - Analyze how socio cultural trends affect and even generate new sports activities. - Discover what sports organizations exist, both nationally and internationally, their typology and functioning. - Acquire a general idea of sports organization functions and get to know the competitive area of sports industry. - Analize the phenomenon of the Olympic Games, motor sports and other internationally reknowned competitions: identify their profitability and beneficial effect for a country or a city. - Identify different models used in the management of the facilities after a massive event and learn how to optimize the profitability of sports facilities. - Observe the close relationship that exists between the tourism industry and the sports industry and identify the economic, political, and socio-cultural benefits of a sports destination. - Get to know different business models, their focus and management strategies. - Observe the relationship between social and cultural trends and corporate innovation processes. - Get to know different expansion strategies. - Acquire practical knowledge about managing a lucrative and commercial sports club such as a gym or a social sports club. - Identify key aspects in the sports club management. - Learn the techniques and strategies for fundraising. - Observe a strong link between the sports industry and tourism industry. - Identify economic, political and socio-cultural benefits of a sports destination. - Conceptualize the term “Country Brand”. - Get to know how government can encourage and promote sports tourism in a country, region or a city.
Requisitos: - Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students or Young Professionals - Language Skills: Level of English - Intermediate (B1-B2))
A quién va dirigido: - Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students or Young Professionals
Language: English Hours of Instruction 75 (3 weeks option) / 90 (4 weeks option), including lectures, professional activities
Deadline for Application: 31 May 2019 (10% Early Bird Discount for payments done before 15 May 2019)
Duración: 3 semanas
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