A unique program to manage the international marketing and commercial environment From the global business level to local needs through implementing strategies and tactics for the customer-centric internationalization of products and services from smes and large companies facing the new complex challenges of globalization (digitization, ethics, sustainability, higher competitiveness, and new business models). The MIM is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of marketing and commercial globalization, the internationalization of strategies and tactics, and how the global environment must be managed considering local needs to gain competitiveness in new complex scenarios with disruptive and innovative business models. The program also contains activities and workshops on the latest hands-on training in marketing tools, such as PowerBI, Salesforce, Marketing & Sales simulators, and Digital Platforms for Marketing Excellence and Best Practices. It also includes a curricular Business Study Tour in a Triple Crown Institution (e.g., HEC Montreal) for a business immersion
Objetivos: 1. Understand and master core concepts and methods in the marketing discipline and their application in business practice. 2. Integrate, apply, and critically evaluate core concepts and marketing tools to develop innovative strategies to address current and emerging business problems, evaluate key analytical methods to solve them, and develop a holistic/cross-functional view of organizations/companies and their value-creation process. 3. Design effective marketing plans, function effectively within highly digitalized and global business contexts, and operate swiftly across different industries and sectors. 4. Critically assess marketing aspects and the teams’ performance and propose strategies for improvement, developing the skills to operate in different social and cultural environments. 5. Frame marketing business activities and decisions in ethical and human values and corporate social responsibility, recognizing their role in business and developing action plans demonstrating awareness of broader trends. 6. Communicate effectively across different settings with all marketing stakeholders, demonstrating appropriate written communication, effective presentation and interpersonal skills, and the drive to work independently or head a team.
Barcelona: € 22.100
Madrid: € 22.100
Duración: 11 meses
· Business strategy
· Business ethics & sustainability
· Innovation & Design Thinking
· Digital Transformation
· Market Research
· Finance
· Strategic Marketing
· Branding
· Leadership & Communication
· Critical Thinking
· Negotiation
· Storytelling & Presentation tools/techniques
· Marketing and Sales Planning
· International Operations Management
· Commercial Management
· Product
· Pricing
· Customer Relationship Management
· Customer Experience Management
· Communication Strategy & Promotion
· Inbound & Digital Marketing
· Omnichannel
Students will go on a curricular Business Study Tour in an internationally accredited (triple crown) institution, where the students will immerse in business realities for two weeks, with a final assessment at the end of the stay. The tuition fee for this international module is included in the price of the master (travel cost and accommodation included but not the meals and further transportation during the stay). Students who choose not to attend the BST will have the chance to take the module the following academic year (subject to extra cost) or carry out a business case covering the courses and/or business realities given during the BST.
The Group Final Project will let you demonstrate all the competences needed you have acquired throughout the program to produce an original Marketing and Sales plan, working in groups, guided by an expert professor along the process. Moreover, you must demonstrate before a Tribunal that you have also developed the key competences to carry out an accurate analysis, make precise, efficient, and effective decisions through the right selection of segments and targets, delivering the most appropriate communications through the right channels to optimize resources, maximize impacts and increase profitability, which help you defend your project professionally.
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Objetivos: El objetivo de este curso es formar directores profesionales de marketing y ventas. Para ello propone un temario a través del cual adquirirás nociones de marketing estratégico, y te ...
Objetivos: - Explicar el proceso comunicativo así como los componentes que intervienen en él.- Conocer cómo es tratada la información y enviada dentro y fuera de la empresa gracias a la comunicación ...
Objetivos: - Planificar iniciativas y actividades empresariales en pequeños negocios o microempresas.- Dirigir y controlar la actividad empresarial diaria y los recursos de pequeños negocios o ...
Objetivos: - Planificar iniciativas y actividades empresariales en pequeños negocios o microempresas.- Dirigir y controlar la actividad empresarial diaria y los recursos de pequeños negocios o ...
Objetivos: - Aprender a construir un Cuadro de Mando Integral.- Distinguir correctamente los diferentes centros de responsabilidad, definiendo los objetivos controlables y aprendiendo a decidir las ...
Objetivos: Alcanzar tus metas mediante un aprendizaje ameno y flexible en Dirección de marketing con nuestro Curso Profesional Online Técnico Profesional en Protección de Datos. Experto en RGPD: ...
Objetivos: - Aportar al alumno de un modo rápido y sencillo todo aquello que requiere conocer para llevar a cabo estudios de viabilidad de mercado, así como para elaborar y gestionar un plan de ...