Companies and organizations are more aware than ever that one of their key assets when it comes to standing out from the competition is their team of people and, as such, the management and supervision of its Human Resources department. A company’s people are the driving force behind the design, implementation and management of the business project. As such, it is crucial that companies are increasingly oriented towards their employees. Therefore, Human Resources Managers must be professionals who are equipped to lead a department that connects and works with all of the company’s business activities and, at the same time, be able to adapt to changes in the environment. The department is at the core of the company’s strategy and the driving force behind generating a clear competitive advantage. The role of Human Resources must be at the very heart of the company’s strategy and its management, as it is a key factor in setting the company apart from its rivals. The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to equip Human Resources professionals to respond to the needs and challenges of the market from the perspective of people management. Professionals who embrace change as the most effective way of generating competitive advantages, who can capitalize on new technologies, who have a solid grasp of the new generations of professionals joining the employment market, who fully understand the importance of the work/life balance and ethical conduct, and who are committed to developing, attracting and retaining talent as the best way to ensure success in the new business ecosystem.
Objetivos: The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to meet the following objectives: 1.PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Developing the executive skills and competences required for Personnel Directors to lead and drive forward the changes needed within an organization. 2.GLOBAL MANAGEMENT: Learning, understanding and developing the importance of Human Resources Management within the company’s overall strategy. 3.ORGANIZATION, EXECUTION AND SUPERVISION: Gaining deeper insight into the tools and procedures required to perform the tasks involved in planning, organizing, executing and monitoring of Human Resources in a company. 4.HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE DIGITAL AGE: Capitalizing on the opportunities offered by technology for talent development, retention and acquisition, through the use of tools and resources related to digital communication. 5.STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY: Developing the role of Human Resources both from the viewpoint of a personnel department and the perspective of Human Resources Consulting. 6.PLANNING: Establishing the strategic foundations that enable future changes in the field of Human Resources to be planned and anticipated, in line with the company’s objectives.
Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.
Human Resources Strategy
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Objetivos: The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to meet the following objectives:1.PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Developing the executive skills and competences required for Personnel Directors ...
Requisitos: Perfil recomendado:* Titulación Universitaria.* 1/2 años de experiencia laboral.
A quién va dirigido: Este curso está destinado a personas que trabajen en el área de recursos humanos y deseen adquirir nuevas habilidades y herramientas laborales.
Requisitos: El alumno debe acreditar título de licenciado, diplomado o ingeniero.
Requisitos: Cualquier persona, independientemente del nivel de estudios alcanzando con anterioridad, puede realizar este curso.
Objetivos: El objetivo de esta formación es formar a futuros expertos capaces de liderar el departamento de Recursos Humanos de una empresa de manera eficaz y saber gestionar el talento y el ...
Objetivos: •Conocer la relevancia y funciones del Departamento de Recursos Humanos en la empresa, así como los aspectos legales y jurídicos que afectan a la contratación de personal y gestión de ...
Objetivos: El curso tiene como objetivo que los alumnos adquieran las habilidades necesarias para poder dirigir un departamento de recursos humanos de manera eficaz. Te formarás en técnicas de ...
Objetivos: Los objetivos de este curso son formarte en materia de descripción y análisis de puestos de trabajo, gestión y desarrollo de perfiles profesionales e identificación de competencias ...
Requisitos: • Formulario de inscripción cumplimentado• Copia de documento de identidad• Pago de las tasas académicas del curso A quién va dirigido: Este curso está dirigido a personas que deseen ...